Extraordinary People

For my extraordinary people I have chosen to do the muscetrain. The Muscetrain is a normal human, except they are muscle. They have a snake tongue, sharp teeth and are good looking. They're always excirsise  and training, running up to the peaks. The Muscetrain eat healthy food every day, they won't even have one block of chocolate. They are very defensive. If there are any intruders, they are ready to fight.

The Muscetrains live in Jamaica, which is in the northwest hemisphere. Their habit is the Mountain peaks. In Jamaica it is a wetland. There are swamps and rivers. It is always cloudy, but it is very humid . They are very skilful and can break stuff easily because of their strength. They are unconquerable because they have a big population. They hate the coco king who lives in the jungle. The coco king throws chocolate at them and they hate chocolate.


  1. I really like your choice odds character. It really sounds like you. I thought your oral was very cool

  2. I think you should reinsert your photo

  3. This is a good description of the Muscetrains and their environment, David.


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